Wednesday, March 12, 2014


From the beginning of creation, everything answered IN RELATION to TIME. God completed creation in seven days. Animals, plants, the galaxies and the seas…all working in sync to DAY AND NIGHT …EVERYTHING CULMINATING IN TIME. For man, God created the woman. They relate with each other, and the family is born; generations are birthed..culminating in the past and the present …EVERYTHING CULMINATING IN TIME. Healthy human relationships, just like creation, are designed to thrive on TIME. Time spent to be together, husband and wife, father and son, mother and daughter,…TIME…spent between the boss and his work team; designed to bridge possible gaps, strengthening bonds…every time. Time between man and his creator to understand God’s ways, His thoughts, as far as the east is from the west are discerned with TIME spent in His Word. God, the author of time, always coming down to spend time with Adam & Eve in the garden linking them to TIMELESS ETERNITY with Him. How much time have you given to be with that special person in your life? He or she could be a call away; a drive miles down to meet with him or her…a flight up in the air that would land you into the loving arms of that wonderful father or mother who’s NOW so lonely, with photographs only to relive the years of joy they once had with you as a child…TIME. How much time have you given to search the scriptures to build your relationship with God? T.I.M.E. The all so important ingredient to make our relationships healthy. Do you have time to make that relationship work? Yes. Yes, yes, don’t say “no”… because you’ve got NOW.

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