Thursday, July 19, 2012


I love writing. I don’t just write for writing sake, I write on issues that must have created a surge in my mind before I write. I write, not because I want to be heard but for people to be inspired by my write-up.
My statement of purpose in life is helping people to unleash that power in them. Nothing drives me more than to see someone begin to pursue goals with a purpose that inspires them and gives them a greater sense of meaning not only in what they do, but who they are. I was at a close friend birthday party at the beach on Saturday 14, July 2012. She is a sweet girl; don’t ask me what name is? Her sister asked me what I’m into presently. I told her, I’m studying for my Masters in media and communications at the Pan African University. She said “you like book o”! I said to myself, it’s not that I like book o! I just want to be a problem solver. I want to be someone’s claim to fame. I want to be able to inspire people to be the best. And so, I always thrive to get the best and go for the best. That is what I’m created to fulfill on earth. I hope to achieve that, in all areas of my life God helping me, Amen.

I would love you my friends to also think about yourself, and ask yourself these questions; what is my purpose on earth? Why am I created to do? What problem is I created to solve? Don’t read this write-up like you are listening to a motivational talk, read this like a letter from a friend. Once you know what your life purpose is, you can organize all your activities around it. Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If an activity doesn’t fit that formula, you wouldn’t work on it, Period. Without purpose as the compass to guide you goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. You don’t want to get to the top of the ladder only to find out you had it leaning up against the wrong wall.

If you want to clarify your purpose, set aside some time for quiet reflection time for a period of meditation. I do this every morning or night at least 15minutes. After you become relaxed and enter into a state of deep self love and peacefulness, ask yourself, what is my purpose for living? Allow the answer to simply come to you. Let it be expansive as you can imagine. The words that come need not be flowery or poetic; what is important is how inspired the words make you feel. Once you have determined and written down your life purpose, read it every day preferably in the morning. This will keep you focused on your purpose.
I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you, as we say in our debating sessions. Doing this now, gives me a deep sense of joy and happiness. I fill fulfilled.
Know what you are created for. As for me, this is my life.

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