Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mr Mugu!

Mr Mugu! by Derinola Segbedi Tootek

Bonjour, Bon shoe abi na Born July, Guten Morgen, Goedemorgen, buongiorno, Buenos Dias and so on, Well let me “Kaba” myself, I used Google translator to get some of the Good morning though.

UUhhmm!! This month has been very eventful so far for me, Something really funny but painful happened to me on Monday, I stepped out from a restaurant after having my (breakfast/lunch) like around 1 or 2pm, normal time that I eat my first meal every day, I got my shades on, nice perfume on, looking good in the faded jeans and a nice fitted long sleeve, sudden a tatter looking man approached me and stated talking to me, I noticed that he has a Hausa intonation, So as per Mr. Nice guy, I gave him audience, Little did I know that he is a petit money scammer, so these transpired between us,
Petit money scammer: Oga!! Good afternoon, God will bless you…

Senior Mugu Me: (action) Staring at him with a little smile.

Petit money scammer: Oga abeg!! I bi shoe maker and dem KIA (kick against indiscipline) catch me and dem collect all my work equipments and dem collect my money too, make I use bail myself, I need some money to start life back because I won go buy polish, brush and other things, I no bi beggar or lazy man, abeg if u give me like 1,400 naira, I go use am buy all wetin I need and I no go beg anyone again. Omo mo gbabe.. 

Senior Mugu Me: (action) sigh, Dip my hand in my pocket brought out my wallet gave him 500 naira and then walked away, but the petit money scammer kept on following me, E ma gbami, Kini mo ra ni igba bobo ni?

Petit money scammer: Oga thank u, God go bless you, u are a very nice man but I don’t want me beg anyone again, if u can give me the complete money I PROMISE , I no go ask any one again, God go reward u.
He kept on calling God’s name, once again I fell for it,

Senior Mugu Me: Deep Sigh, once again brought out my wallet and added another 500 naira and this tattered man kept me following me, thanking me and praying for me seriously it was becoming embarrassing, because the man won’t just get off my side, he followed me and kept on praying for me.

Petit money scammer: Oga thank you oo.. God bless u, u go see good things, money go come and so on sha.. Na wa oo!!

Fortunately for me and unfortunately for him, my Cousin who I haven’t seen for months was walking vertically toward me and I was trying to tell this man to back off but he refused, then this happened when I met with my cousin (Nephew), Na God way won catch am now.. Lmao

Senior Mugu Me: How far brof? And we shook hands.

Nephew: Where u sabi dis man?

Senior Mugu Me: I acted like nothing has happen between us and I was speechless.

Nephew: Bro. don’t fall for his trick o!! He will tell u one KIA and his shoe maker story, I hope you haven’t given him money.

Senior Mugu Me: (I just faced the wretch) and I said with a fierce look, “GIVE ME MY MONEY!!!”. (Eru ba) fear catch am, he handed the money over and walked away.

Seriously I Felt like slapping him just because of 2 reasons, He Constantly called GOD’s name and used the word PROMISE, Those are 2 very strong words, I used the word promise if I really mean it and I think it’s only my Girl friend that I use that word “PROMISE” for because I always mean what I tell her and I don’t used God’s name at all, I rather say “I MEAN IT” But this riffraff/wretch used the word anyhow and I feel for it because I can’t just imagine someone calling God’s name in Vein (It’s Absurd) or is it because I am a very compassionate person, uummhhh.. I was fooled big time but I got my money back sha. Emi nor!! Senior mugu, yepa!!! Ori mi ooo!!
Well that’s all folks, have a lovely midweek and new month, Stay blessed.

Answer this!

 Which one hurts most to lose?

1. Phone
2. Teeth
3. Virginity
4. Money (2 million)
5. Lover (break-up after 7 years)

Monday, July 30, 2012


Am I the only one in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screening bloody murder.  We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say,” I don’t give a damn.”

I don’t give a damn? You’ve got to be kidding. You might think I’m getting senile, maybe I am. But someone has to speak up. I hardly recognize this country anymore. The boko haram crisis in the north, the oil subsidy thieves, the stock exchange crisis, Farouk Lawan and Otedola bribery scandal and nobody is asking questions, they tend to have a script they are working with, and we Nigerians are acting in this movie innocently.  From one Act and scenes to another, they stage various issues and everything is not attended to, nobody seems to know what to do. And the press is waving pom-poms instead of asking questions. That’s not the promise of Nigeria the founding fathers thought about. I’ve had enough. How about you?
I’ll go a step further. You can’t call yourself a patriot if you’re not outraged. This is a fight I’m ready and willing to have. My friends keep wondering why I still have believed in this country. I have believe because, if we youths can leave our iPods, blackberry and iPads for a while and give attention to solve the economic problems that we have, this country will change for the best. We as young people need to stand up to this fight. We’ve got to fight it, face it, and finish it, or else we will be crushed totally by these corporate thieves who don’t have our interest at heart. Hey, Nigerians, wake up. These guys work for us.   

ADVERT - Young Commonwealth Internships (2 positions)

ADVERT - Young Commonwealth Internships (2 positions)
FINAL NOTICE!!!ADVERT - Young Commonwealth Internships (2 positions)

Applications are invited from qualified Commonwealth Citizens in the CYP Africa Region to apply for internship positions at the Africa Centre starting September 2012. Internships will be for a minimum period of 6 months and renewable to a maximum of 12 months. The internship positions will be based at the CYP Africa Centre in Lusaka Zambia for the duration.

Contacts and Deadlines:
Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover letter to Africahr@commonwealth.int with the subject “internship” (only ONLINE applications will be accepted) on or before 30 July 2012.

Interviews will be conducted via telephone or skype by 10th August 2012. Successful candidates will be contacted via mail on or before 30 August 2012.

Download application notice via http://thecommonwealth.org/files/248348/FileName/InternshipAdvert2012.pdf

For more update on opportunities for young people in Africa, join CYP Africa today via http://www.facebook.com/groups/cypafrica/

Thursday, July 26, 2012

5 Secrets to a Happy Marriage: Revealed by Divorce

In 1986, Orbuch embarked on a long-term study, supported by the National Institutes of health (NIH), which followed the relationships of 373 newlyweds. By 2012, 46% had divorced, about the same as the national average. Interviews with people who have divorced brought up this five issues that they would improve if they had the chance to do it all again.
MONEY. Over the course of her research, one of the biggest surprises for Orbuch was the role money played in marital strife. “Many divorced single say that money was the number one source of conflict in the early years of marriage”. She also found that “6 out of 10 said they would not share living expenses in their next relationship.” She recommends that each partner evaluate their own approach to spending and saving money and discuss with their spouse early on. She says there is no one-size-fits-all financial plan, but couples need to determine their own rules and adhere to them.

2. AFFECTION. Another surprise was that men crave affection—but not necessarily sex—more than women. “It’s counterintuitive,” says Orbuch, “but men crave feeling special and being noticed by their wives.” She adds that men who report not getting enough nonsexual affection were twice as likely to ask for a divorce, but the reverse was not true for women. “Women are fortunate. We get this kind of affirmation from more people in our lives, our mothers, children, our best friends”—so women tend to need less from husbands. She recommends carving out time for regular cuddling, kissing, hand holding, and saying “I love you. 
3. BLAME. “When divorced couples found fault with their relationship using ‘we’ statements, they were significantly more likely to find love than those who used ‘I’ or ‘you’ statements.” Those who found blame in factors such as being incompatible or too young experienced less anxiety, insomnia, and depression than those who blamed their former partner or themselves for a break-up. Examine what went wrong in the relationship instead of assigning individual blame, suggests Orbuch, and think about how you can resolve conflict better next time. 
4. COMMUNICATION. Orbuch says a trap many couples fall into is “maintenance” rather than true communication. She suggests having a “10 minute rule” every day when you, “Talk to your partner about something other than work, the relationship, the house, or the children.” The key is revealing something about yourself and learning something about your spouse. “Forty-one percent of divorced people say they would change their communication style,” says Orbuch,“and, 91% of happily married couples say they know their partner intimately.” 
5. MOVE ON. Letting go of the past is a key to being in a happy relationship. This is true for people who are currently married as well as those seeking love. If you are irked by thoughts of your partner’s old boyfriend or girlfriend or of a fight that happened weeks ago, you might not be interacting in a healthy, positive way. “That animosity prevents you from being fully present,” says Orbuch. She also points out that people who felt neutral toward their ex were significantly more likely to find love after a divorce. If you can’t let go of your anger, her book outlines a number of exercises including writing a detailed letter to the person you are angry at—and burning it. 

This write-up is written by Sarah B. Weir, Yahoo! blogger | Love + Sex

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Gossiping has positive effects on women -- It elevates levels of progesterone, a hormone that reduces stress and feels good.

During the earliest wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom would make love for the first time in front of the entire village.

On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.


Monday, July 23, 2012


WELCOME TO AANU ISRAEL'S BLOG: SO WHAT HAPPENED?: Good morning my lovely readers. Hope you had a wonderful weekend? It’s another Monday; I hope you had a good weekend. Thank God the ‘boko ...


Good morning my lovely readers. Hope you had a wonderful weekend? It’s another Monday; I hope you had a good weekend. Thank God the ‘boko boys’ did not strike again.  The news has moved from boko haram - Farouk & Otedola - Impeachment. The battle is now among them. I would use this opportunity to talk about the issues that concerns us as individuals, issues about our personal development.
Inside of every one of us is that tiny seed or the 'you' that you were meant to become. Unfortunately, you may have buried this seed in response to your parents, teachers, friends, and other adult role models as you were growing up.
You started out as a baby knowing exactly what you wanted. You know when you were hungry. You spit out the foods you didn't like and devoured the ones you did like. You had no trouble expressing your needs and wants. You simply cried loudly with no inhibition or holding back, until you got what you wanted. You had everything inside of you that you needed to get fed, changed, held, and rocked.
As you got older, you crawled around and moved toward whatever held the most interest of you. You were clear about what you wanted, and headed straight toward it with no fear. So what happened? What happened to that desire to get want you wanted? What happened to that your passion? What happened to that your dream? This is the question I want us to think about, as I try to shed more light.

To be continued.......

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I love writing. I don’t just write for writing sake, I write on issues that must have created a surge in my mind before I write. I write, not because I want to be heard but for people to be inspired by my write-up.
My statement of purpose in life is helping people to unleash that power in them. Nothing drives me more than to see someone begin to pursue goals with a purpose that inspires them and gives them a greater sense of meaning not only in what they do, but who they are. I was at a close friend birthday party at the beach on Saturday 14, July 2012. She is a sweet girl; don’t ask me what name is? Her sister asked me what I’m into presently. I told her, I’m studying for my Masters in media and communications at the Pan African University. She said “you like book o”! I said to myself, it’s not that I like book o! I just want to be a problem solver. I want to be someone’s claim to fame. I want to be able to inspire people to be the best. And so, I always thrive to get the best and go for the best. That is what I’m created to fulfill on earth. I hope to achieve that, in all areas of my life God helping me, Amen.

I would love you my friends to also think about yourself, and ask yourself these questions; what is my purpose on earth? Why am I created to do? What problem is I created to solve? Don’t read this write-up like you are listening to a motivational talk, read this like a letter from a friend. Once you know what your life purpose is, you can organize all your activities around it. Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If an activity doesn’t fit that formula, you wouldn’t work on it, Period. Without purpose as the compass to guide you goals and action plans may not ultimately fulfill you. You don’t want to get to the top of the ladder only to find out you had it leaning up against the wrong wall.

If you want to clarify your purpose, set aside some time for quiet reflection time for a period of meditation. I do this every morning or night at least 15minutes. After you become relaxed and enter into a state of deep self love and peacefulness, ask yourself, what is my purpose for living? Allow the answer to simply come to you. Let it be expansive as you can imagine. The words that come need not be flowery or poetic; what is important is how inspired the words make you feel. Once you have determined and written down your life purpose, read it every day preferably in the morning. This will keep you focused on your purpose.
I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you, as we say in our debating sessions. Doing this now, gives me a deep sense of joy and happiness. I fill fulfilled.
Know what you are created for. As for me, this is my life.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Lagos state Governor, Mr.Babatunde Fashola SAN (right) asking Colonel Ki Yusuf why he decide to drive on the dedicated BRT lane illegally when the Colonel was apprehended being driven in an Army Green Peugeot 406 with registration number BO1-150 NA at the Outer Marina in central Lagos on Tuesday,July 17,2012.by  Vanguard news
It's time we obey the rule of law. Sir Ninian Stephen identified four of the principles which are embodied in the spirit of the rule of law when he said:
"The first of the four principles is that government should be under law, that the law should apply to and be observed by government and its agencies, those given power in the community, just as it applies to the ordinary citizen; the second is that those who play their part in administering the law, judges and solicitors and barristers alike, should be independent and uninfluenced by government in their respective role so as to ensure that the rule of law is and remains a working reality and not a mere catch phrase; the third is closely associated with the second, it is that there should be ready access to the courts of law for those who seek legal remedy and relief; the fourth is that the law of the land, which rules us, should be certain, general and equal in its operation. "

In 'Animal farm by George Orwell' the rule of some animals are better than others must not be encouraged anymore. we should try to question anybody who goes against the rule of law. when we do these, the country will surely move to greater heights.

Aanu Israel

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Dear friends,
I have been on exile from writing for a long while now, my passion was re-awakened this weekend. I'm back and better.  I hope to inform, educate and entertain my readers through this platform on various issues from personal development issues to National issues .
Please follow me on this blog by joining as a member, so as to receive my insightful thoughts. you can also invite your friends,you can like this page and comment on my post.
I look forward for your contributions and criticisms. I believe with that, I will get better.
Aanu Israel