Monday, December 31, 2012

Beaten, stripped, raped, thrown off bus…the tale of a girl gang raped in Delhi

The nightmare began around 9 pm on the 16th of December, when a 23 year old medical student and her male friend boarded a bus after watching a movie at a popular mall. It was reported that the girl and her friend were beaten with iron rods by the six men on the bus, after that she was raped repeatedly. Then she and her friend were both thrown off the moving bus an hour later.

This was the first news that went round, only to discover later at the hospital, that the girl’s intestine was out of place. The doctors felt the rapists may have put an object or instrument in her private part. It is however ironic that she was in a critical condition until her death at a hospital in Singapore.

Nilanjana Roy, a well-known Indian journalist and literary critic, wrote on her blog, “Don’t tell me her name; I don’t need to know it to cry for her.” Such was the brutal and terrible death the rape victim experienced.Another journalist asked a question: what is it about us that makes us so prone not just to rape but to gang rape?

Now people are calling for “instant justice” to avenge the death of the girl and to also strengthen the law against future rape cases. The punishment most people want for the rapists, are either; death penalty, chemical castration or jail term.

However, everyone has an idea of how justice should be done but will any of these options make a difference in the future? The answer depends on the outcome of this case and many others. While none of these options will bring the girl back to life, it is necessary for the right solution to be carefully chosen and implemented. Thankfully the rapists were identified and have been charged for murder.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



UMMM, yes I know the year is coming to an end and some of us are feeling a little peeved that things have not quite worked out as we planned. Some of us have also had the shock of our lives and others are reeling under the burden of a demotion instead of a promotion and are wondering; where is GOD ALMIGHTY in all of these? Some of us are ecstatic and amazingly happy at the turn of events because we know that where we are right now we really do not deserve to be there and we know that we are merely products of grace and GOD Almighty’s mercies and love.
Well the truth is where ever we find ourselves at this period of time we need to be happy regardless and we need to be glad despite all the odds and greatly rejoice if we are still standing and breathing considering all the hazards we daily face in our present world whether locally or internationally. We all must be grateful to our maker, king and redeemer who have chosen to spare our lives to see better and glorious days ahead.
 We have been spared to see better and more glorious days ahead and for as many as believe and trust in the living LORD we will partake of the good of the land in JESUS mighty name. Amen.
So I am going to give you 20 reasons why you should be amazingly happy now and for the rest of your life. Here we go:
1.        You are alive.
2.       You are well.
3.       You are sane.
4.       You are saved.
5.       You are kept by GOD ALMIGHTY.
6.       You can dress yourself.
7.       You can think for yourself and act by yourself.
8.       You can see and see well.
9.       You can read and write.
10.   You are blessed beyond the curse.
11.      You can eat.
12.    You can sleep and enjoy a good night rest without sedatives.
13.    You can hear.
14.     You are productive.
15.    You can speak.
16.    You are an asset and not a liability to your world.
17.     You can sing even if it is of key, who cares?
18.     You can dance.
19.    You can stand on you two feet, some people are bed ridden or in a stroke situation.
20.  You have the capacity to learn new ways, new skills so that you can get ahead in life, you are not hindered, limited or stagnant.
I can go on but I believe you get the picture. Life is not always about the big deals, big cars and big houses, a little trouble can cause serious damage and sometimes the little things that we take for granted mean a great deal and it is important that we recognize the place of gratitude for who we are and who GOD ALMIGHTY has been to us. If it had not been for the LORD who was on our side we would have been swallowed up and consumed by the adversary. So when next you feel down thinking your private jet has not yet arrived remember those who have no legs not to talk of a jet. And when you want to complain remember it really could have been worse and you are who you are only by the grace of GOD ALMIGHTY.

So instead of focusing on what you do not have and what you have not accomplished in the course of the year ponder, take stock and go on your knees grateful that you are richer, smarter, bigger, wiser and greater than most people in the world.  Also realize that you have all that you need and even if you need more all you need is within you or within grasp.

 So let’s spend this whole week in deep gratitude to our maker, our king our redeemer the lover of our souls and let’s not disdain this word and say here goes the preacher again preaching hope and gratitude, may I ask what else is there to preach?

If things are bad, it will get better. If things are good, it will get better, anyhow you win in JESUS mighty name. Amen.

Remember to be kind to the less privileged and to send a portion to ten and twenty.

Remember your aged parents and remember to continue to do good always.

Remain a huge blessing to your world.





Wednesday, November 28, 2012



It is time for global revival! The church in Nigeria is to carry this end-time message around the world and she needs tools! My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel with teaching appointments in many countries and this work is far too important to be left to airline schedules.

You see, my Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“Catholic”) Italy. Italy ranks 1st globally in Maternal Mortality. Just 4 women die in Italy in 100,000 births in a whole year. In Nigeria, about 50,000 women die due to Childbirth annually. In fact, Nigeria is 2nd globally with the highest maternal mortality rate and contributes 10 per cent to the world’s total maternal deaths. My Pastor needs a private jet from members without health care to go and teach the Italians how to live in health and deliver safely.

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“liberal”) America. America ranks first in GDP globally, whilst Nigeria ranks 43rd through oil exports. My pastor needs a private jet from members who produce nothing to go teach hard work to the Americans.

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“permissive”) Sweden. Sweden was top 3 in the last Corruption Index whilst Nigeria ranked 143 out of 182 countries. My pastor needs a private jet gotten from the proceeds of corruption to go and teach the Swedes how to be righteous.

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“immoral”) Brazil. Brazil ranks 2nd globally in actualizing development goals whilst Nigeria ranks 90 out of 133 in making development progress. My pastor needs a private jet from a stagnant people to go teach Brazilians how to move forward. 

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“Shinto”) Japan. Japan ranks 2nd globally in life expectancy whilst Nigeria ranks 185 out of 202. My pastor needs a private jet from people who die needlessly, daily and before their time, to go pray for the Japanese to live long.

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“communist”) North Korea. North Korea ranked 1st in Adult Literacy globally whilst Nigeria ranked 129th! My pastor needs a private jet from an illiterate congregation to go impart knowledge to the Koreans. (Cuba 2nd) 
My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“atheist”) China. China ranks 1st in the world in High Tech Exports, whilst Nigeria ranks 90th. My pastor needs a private jet from members who work in Chinese companies to go teach the Chinese how to be productive.

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“unchristian”) Israel. Israel has the world’s most developed R&D sector, whilst Nigeria ranks 90th globally in Research. My pastor needs a private jet from members who discover and develop nothing to go teach the Israelis divine inspiration

My Pastor needs a private jet to spread the gospel to (“Buddhist”) Thailand. Thailand has an unemployment rate of less than 1% of its population, whilst in Nigeria it’s as high as 40%. My pastor needs a private jet from a jobless congregation to go teach the Thais how to be gainfully employed.
Yes, my pastor needs a private jet, to take to the world what he has been unable to accomplish at home, and to spread his failure around the world, riding on the back of both victims and collaborators!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pastors and Private Jets: Is There an Airport in Heaven? – Mike Akhariale

Pastors and Private Jets: Is There an Airport in Heaven? – Mike Akhariale

The recent remarks by the Catholic Bishop of  Sokoto Diocese, Most Rev Matthew Kukah, which seeks to question the moral and spiritual validity of the practice in which men of God are now fighting for space in the glittering world of opulence and razzmatazz with modern day traders and money changers, and the flak it drew from the body that ought to know better, Christians Association of Nigeria, through its spokesperson, Elder Sunday Oibe, has exposed the obvious contradictions that have emerged between what the Church was originally set up to achieve amongst humanity on behalf of God and what we are witnessing today.
The apostasy is such that church leaders are shamelessly trading places with CEOs of Fortune 500 businesses. The old picture of Christ as the simple and humble man from Galilee has been replaced by that of the rich and arrogant man with swagger, who has no need for God’s help because all that makes the material life meaningful are already with him. The picture of heaven that we were given as kids at catechism and Sunday school classes was that it is a place of bliss and endless peace, as against this present world of suffering and sacrifices.
The new recklessly opulent lifestyle of those who call themselves “men of God” seems to ask the question: Why wait to die before you have a taste of heaven when you can financially acquire it right now? Of course, the natural exclamation you will hear when you peep into the luxurious cabin of a typical private aircraft is “This is heaven!”
What Kukah said and which was largely similar to what another man of God, Tunde Bakare, and other piously minded people are saying, is that Christianity is being unwittingly misrepresented by the unbridled materialism that has taken hold of the church, which has the potential for perverting the central message of Christianity which is holiness and reverence, publicly and privately.
The position of Rev Kukah that “the stories of corrupt men and women being given recognition by their churches or mosques as gallant sons and daughters and the embarrassing stories of pastors displaying conspicuous wealth as we hear from the purchases of private jets and so on, clearly diminish our moral voice” is actually the sad story of the worldly and corrupt Nigeria of today.
As a Christian, I am surprised — in fact, disappointed — by the ecumenical filibustering that was offered by CAN to the challenge that was being rightly posed. In the words of Oibe, Kukah should not be taken seriously because “If there is any clergy man in the country whose constituency is government, it is Bishop Kukah, who served every government in power in the last decade. He thinks people have forgotten in a hurry how he served in Obasanjo’s government and turned round to attack the former president…” I wanted to hear Oibe list the number of executive jets that are now in Kukah’s fleet as a result of his association with those men of power.
Was this really an intelligent response to the strong moral charge being leveled, namely, that there is something not quite right in men of God wanting to outdo men of the world in material pursuits?
Pastor Ayo Oristejafor is the latest of the long list of men of God that are flying across the globe with private jets while the faithful church members are struggling to make ends meet after paying their burdensome church tax which they call tithes.
With respect to the advice that church leaders should be careful in their interaction with political leaders, I think the Church should have taken it to heart with all the seriousness that it deserves, rather than seeking to deflect the accusation by pointing accusing fingers at those who are raising the issue.
I am not too bothered about the incidents of church leaders fleecing their members to support a lifestyle fit only for earthly principalities and powers because my kobo will never stray into their till wilfully  but I am worried about the looming political and constitutional danger present in a situation in which the church and the state are in active collusion to undermine the well-being of the masses.
It is going to be difficult for a man of God who is hobnobbing with temporal men of power now to be able to face them like the prophets of old and tell them of their sins that have constituted a reproach to the nation for which we are presently suffering.
That was the point that Kukah was driving at when he counselled fellow clergymen that “Unless we distance ourselves, we cannot speak the truth to power. We cannot hear the wails of the poor and the weak. We should not be seen as playing the praying wing of the party in power.”
More importantly, I think they diminish God before His creations whenever they see his “preachers” in the company of their tormentors, flying in the same jets and lodging in the same champagne-filled five-star hotels where anything evil is possible. It creates a huge ethical problem for those wise few who can see the contradictions therein. The sad fact is that the majority of the church faithful will never see it that way. As far as they are concerned, “it is the will of God;” and that is why it remains the unassailable truth that religion is the opium of the masses.
Why would anyone bother himself with the heavy sacrifice of a holy life on earth so that he can make heaven when, indeed, he is actually living his heaven on earth? I get the feeling that these gluttonous men of God think they can actually fly their way skyward into heaven while the rest of us would still be waiting for the illusive rapture or the certain last day.
I still think that Jesus Christ was right when he gave the parable of the eye of a needle and the camel as far as making heaven is for the materially affluent. The reality of God is made a little more doubtful by a lifestyle that God Himself had advised against. They say their God is “not a poor God” as we now hear every service day; but that assertion does not resonate as the central theme of the life that Jesus bequeathed to His disciples.
My hope is that someday, the people will begin to see the differences between the will of God and that of man.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do you have phone etiquette?

The use of phone is vast and has become a thing of necessity today, which may be good for our daily endeavors or bad for our health or social skills. However, most people have little or no clue about phone etiquette. Generally, most feel they have a good phone etiquette which is not necessarily true, because our actions can determine if it is true or not. Some might perceive your actions as composed, rude or totally uncalled for and this is why the use of phones is inappropriate or has been banned in several public places.

Here are some dos and don'ts of phone etiquette

  • Move away from people when speaking (excuse yourself graciously)
  • Reduce the volume of your ringtone or set it to vibration.
  • Don’t speak loudly because it is very offensive. 
  • Don't put your phone call on speaker mode, the conversation is meant for two people and not for everyone.
  • Don't talk about sensitive or personal things in public, you can always do that later or tell the person to text you.
  • Don’t make calls while driving or doing other things that require your full attention (use an earpiece for convenience)
  • Calling or texting at the table (that is while having a meal) is rude.
  • Put your phone on vibration in “quiet zones”.
  • Reply a missed call with a text (when you can’t speak in your current environment) but called back if you can, unless there are good reasons to ignore the call.
  • Don't use your phone in the following places; bathrooms, elevators, hospitals, waiting rooms, auditoriums, meetings, lectures, worship centers, funerals, weddings, libraries, buses, train etc.

Check out some interesting statistics below

Cellular Jerks: Where Are Your Mobile Manners
Presented by:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Unforgivable things that will put users off an e-commerce website

Today technology has changed the way almost everything is done, with the use of the internet an individual can get anything they desire delivered to their doorstep. Companies use emails to communicate, while subscriptions and newsletters are used to update consumers. The use of electronic transactions, procurement, business etc. has vastly changed the way business is conducted. Furthermore, businesses online are likely to have certain advantages and disadvantages which are likely to affect the company’s revenue, image or clients. However, the consumers are the ones you should pay more attention to because the website is for their use. No one wants to do business on a site assumed to be designed by an amatuer.

Here are some things that will chase away potential customers;
  •  Complicated navigation
  •  Too much text
  • Unclear pictures
  •  Missing images to products offered
  • Unfinished sentence
  •  No SSL certificate
  • Unaligned text field
  • Nonfunctional forms
  •  Joint words in labels
  • Misspelled words
  • Clumsy arrangement of icons
  • At times not all required fields needs to be typed in to submit a form
  • The confusion of a gallery bar for another navigation bar
  • Blank pages
  •   Slow loading pages
  • Tiny font size
  • No digital signature
  •  Forms which have alphanumeric captcha/verbal captcha
  •  No copyright protection to protect the intellectual property right of the site
  • Shabby presentation of content
  • Poor theme colors
  • No FAQS section
  •  Expired security certificate
  •  No privacy policy 

Meet the fastest woman in the world

After watching the 4×100m women’s relay final at the 2012 London Olympics, it was clear for all to see that there was something intriguing about the way the anchor for team U.S.A. ran. She directed everyone’s attention to the board just as she was about to break a twenty seven year old record. 

After the race, Jeter said "I knew we were running fast. I was already pointing at the clock, saying, 'There it is.' There was a cloud hanging over us, with people saying, 'They can't do this. They're going to drop the stick.' But we did it."

Meet Carmelita Jeter, the fastest woman in the world and the second fastest in history; who is known by most as “The Jet” or “Lita”, she was born on November 24, 1979 and stands at 5.4 ft. She is an American sprinter who specializes in the 100 meter category. She grew up in Southern California, where she started out playing basketball but discovered her passion for running in high school because her basketball coach suggested her to try out for the track and field, after she ran at the speed of 11.7 second at basketball training.

After high school she joined the California State University, Dominguez Hills track team and became the University’s first U.S. Olympic trials qualifier.  And later became the most decorated track & field athlete in the history of the school and graduated with a bachelor degree in physical education. Jeter soon became the athlete to watch when she set a personal record in the 100m of 11.05 seconds at the adidas Track Classic in 2007 and later qualified for her first World Outdoor Championships roster for Team USA, after persistent injuries kept her out of competition for much of 2003 to 2005. 

However, some might say she is inconsistent but I think she has something special that will make her last longer on the track and break more records. It will be interesting to follow up on her career because she belongs to an American team that boasts of other world record holders such as Allyson Felix and Sanya Richards. Here is a list of her track and field record (active years)

Olympic Gold Medalist, 4x100m Relay

Olympic Silver Medalist, 100m

Olympic Bronze Medalist, 200m

US Trials 100m, 1st Place (10.92)

US Trials 200m, 2nd Place (22.11)

Jamaica Invitational, 100m, 1st Place

Penn Relays, 4x100m Relay, 1st Place
USA Outdoor Champion, 100m (10.74)

USA Outdoor, 200m, 2nd Place

World Outdoor Championship, 100m, 3rd Place (10.90)

World Outdoor, 200m, 2nd Place

Brussels, 100m, 1st Place

Stockholm, 100m, 1st Place

London, 100m, 1st Place

Pre Classic, 100m, 1st Place

Monaco, 200m, 1st Place

Doha, 100m, 2nd Place

Zurich, 100m, 1st Place

Monaco, 100m, 1st Place

World Championships, 4×100m Relay, Anchored, 1st Place

Diamond League Champion, 100m

Diamond League Champion, 200m
Diamond League Champion, 100m

USA Indoor Champion, 60m

World Indoor, 100m, 3rd Place

Pre Classic, 100m, 3rd Place

Lausanne, 100m, 1st Place

Gateshead, 100m, 1st Place

Kingston, 100m, 1st Place

Daegu, 100m, 1st Place

Shanghai, 100m, 1st Place

2010, Monaco, 100m, 1st Place

2010, Oslo, 200m, 1st Place
USA Outdoor Champion, 100m

World Outdoor, 100m, 3rd Place

Nike Prefontaine Classic, 100m, 1st Place

Adidas Track Classic, 100m, 1st Place

Reebok Grand Prix, 100m, 1st Place
USA Outdoor 100m bronze medalist (11.17)

USA Indoor 60m runner-up (7.17)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Build Self Confidence and Be a Success

Build Self Confidence and Be a Success

So you want to build self confidence?
Your level of self confidence is often a measure of what has happened in your past. It can be boosted by your successes, and eroded if you feel that you have failed at something. Your self confidence can grow when you are praised, and fall when you are mocked.
If you have high self confidence, you will be less affected by criticism, and you will accept yourself for who you are, and not care what other people think. Self confidence is an inner belief in your own value as a person, and often these values are set during your informative years.
Because of that, not everyone is fortunate enough to make the transition from childhood to adulthood with high self esteem, and buckets full of confidence, but there are many ways in which you can build self confidence.
Think of something, that up till now, you've wanted to try but haven't. It may be joining a painting class, starting a college course, or trying paragliding. Don't think about it, just do it. Whatever it is, give it 100% and don't give up at the first obstacle. Participating in things that challenge you will automatically start to build self confidence within you, so why not give it a try now?
Maybe you're worried about failure?
The self confident person treats any failure as a valuable lesson. He analyses the reasons for the failure, takes that knowledge, and uses it to avoid making the same mistakes again. He turns a failure into an asset. So, if you make a mistake, think of it as a positive lesson learnt, and never make the same mistake again. Don't give up. You're self confidence will rapidly start to grow.
What will other people think if you make a mistake?
Try not to concern yourself as to what people think of you. Sometimes people can't handle their own insecurities, and they need to bring others down, in order to feel better about themselves. Tell yourself, it's their problem. Which it most definitely is. Once you stop worrying what people think of you, you will begin to build self confidence quickly.
One tip that really works is to imagine you're an actor playing the role of a self confident and successful person. Act this way when you go to the shops, the cinema, etc. It won't take long to adjust to playing this role, and soon you will behave like this naturally and automatically. You'll find your self confidence growing day by day.
In the words of Thomas Edison, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Are you going to give up, or build self confidence and be a success?

Article Source:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Unshakable Mirage

Unshakable Mirage

Fleeing to the proximate exit
Racing, panting and gasping for respite
A pliable visionary
Searching for solaced rest
Then the melodious soprano broke free
Locked lips could restrain them not
Lib rings out
Behind the veil of twilight
Slipping into the solo war
As dense thoughts
Are disrobed in the nightfall sated with darkness
So beauteous with a dainty veneer
Psyched about glamour but sullen
Tranquility oozed out akin to quiet seas
The charade matched in parade as I stood amazed
Then her chuckles; reached me yonder
Beyond the pristine confusion
Riding on propellers
 A shadow of an enchanting embrace
Reserved for the bearer in the race
Buoyed above, I arose
Charging to victory with a piercing desire
To unburden her from herself!
Yoo-hoo, I muttered
Reminiscent of our first glance
With hindsight
My pretend acquaintance
With the onus of propriety
Scurrying the maze
Real and surreal clashed
Unconscious still,
I dart beyond the pangs
Seething beneath us
‘Till the frail trail
Fades in the distant aeon
Tis morning                                                                                                                                                 
I declare boldly shrouded by the stealth of a smiley
Like the heart wooing the mind
My endearments
Mine would be yours but for the first stance.
Today, the hanging sunbeam
Dole out clout it would seem
But alas my lass
I so pale not bane
Floating on bubbles 
Combustible in bursting ardour
Weightless, timeless and boundless
The bridge to our ecstasy
A sweet journey of discovery
Flourishing forever idyllically
My illusionary vision
Minuscule, yet transcendental
With your incessant nudge
On the outskirts of my hallucination
Elusive yet pervasive
Yield not yourself to this banality
Ditch this soporific
His slumber echoes,
With wordless love
Mouthing fickle syllables
Soaked in cringe
And adorned with a sense of quaintness
In your wake
My mirage stays awake
This battle is endless!

© Segun Fanoiki

Friday, October 12, 2012

Divorce parties !!!!

The rate at which marriages collapse now is assuming a social symbol status in our society. In no- time, people will be throwing divorce parties and invite friends and well-wishers to celebrate their divorce anniversaries, they will choose aso-ebi, hire a hall and popular musicians & what have you. Even a question like "So when are u getting divorced?" will become commonplace. If u know u can't handle the weight & pressures of marriage, please remain single. If u don't know what marriage is all about, please remain single until u do. If u are getting married because of the things u desire or hope to gain from the other person please remain single. If u know u can't be faithful, remain single. If u can't endure insults from one another, pls remain single. If u can't forgive one another's wrongs, pls remain single. If u can't place your spouse above every other human being, pls remain single! Don't get married out of desperation."All my friends a
re getting married" is d most foolish reason to get married! If u desire a successful home, but ur choice of friends are forces not to reckon with, think again. Be very mindful of where you go for advices, Many would give, but not many mean well! Guys, if u know u can't put ur wife ahead your ego, pls remain single till u're mature. your woman is your priority and EVERYTHING else including u comes last. You are the teacher, the guide, the bodyguard,the role model - u are not a deity or God. So do not expect to be worshiped. You need respect, earn it by being responsible! Ladies, if u know you can't be submissive please don't go into marriage so you're not turned to a punch bag! If u know u can't stand being corrected, please remain single. Mr/Mrs I know it all!!! **Stolen!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



We can choose to lament about Nigeria or roll up our sleeves and get to work. At a TV programmed I participated in a couple of years ago; I told Agatha’s audience that ‘’We are the change we seek’’ because the problem facing Nigerians is a collective problem that requires a collective solution, the two major problems that has forever held Nigerians captives is that of corruptions and leadership and the two have human beings at the core of its operations and it also requires human beings to solve them. You and I are Nigeria’s problems and you and I too must become it solutions.

 No doubt the government has a critical, crucial and paramount role to play in ensuring that we have a nation that is working in terms of infrastructure and all but the bane of the Nigerians problem is not the nation Nigerian but its people. Yes you and I are the ones that must shape up and imbibe new and better moral values that will help to rebuild our fatherland.

We must imbibe the spirit of excellence, hard work, integrity and order. At the moment we have a lot of apathy, despair and even despondency to set out of the way before we begin to see the trees from the fog.

We are blessed by God Almighty with an incredible nation. We are blessed with our demographics, geography and even our economics and we are no doubt destined for greatness and its clear deals we will get to our Eldorado in serve couple of years if we the citizenry decide to become the change we seek.

 For years now we have allowed decadence and despair to rule our body polity, its turn to shake off the beast and begin to resolve to build a better and greater Nigeria. It’s possible, its achievable and its expedient even more so at this time we cannot continue to crawl when we ought to soar and we cannot continue to borrow when we ought to lending.

We have all we need to succeed, we have it all in great abundance, is it the weather, the resources, both human and material or the typography, everything is in great abundance, Nigerians as a people are the greatest achievers anywhere the find themselves when they choose to be good.

Let’s convert all our energy to rebuilding our nation let imbibe what I will call the “7 principles of TRANSFORMATION”!
  1. Confront the problem
  2. Constructively set out to change the situation
  3. Commit to the change process.
  4. Compare all the possible solutions to the problem
  5. Combat the problem head long.
  6. Continue till the very end until you bring about possible positive changes.
  7. Celebrate your victories and continue in the process of continual change, working continually until you achieve permanent good concerning the situation in this case our nation.

Let us all wake up and realize that we all can contribute whenever we find ourselves. If we all signup to the good of Nigeria everywhere we find ourselves within the Nigerian state than we would be on the road to emancipation as a nation.

Let’s continue to pray for the leadership until we have another chance at making our voices count the ballot all of until then all we can do is PRAY and on our own part, roll up our sleeves and begin the arduous task of nation rebuilding.

We have mega stars scattered all over Nigeria lets all use our big positrons to make changes we deserve and soon the leadership will catch up.

 Happy independence Nigerians everywhere, God bless our father land, God bless our president Goodluck Ebelle Jonathan.

Copyright @ VICTORIA PRAISE ABRAHAM. October 1, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Nigeria’s Professor Ilesanmi Adesida makes history – becomes the first black Provost/Vice Chancellor of the University of Illiinois at Urbana Champaign

Nigeria’s Professor Ilesanmi Adesida makes history – becomes the first black Provost/Vice Chancellor of the University of Illiinois at Urbana Champaign

News just got to us that yet another African in the Diaspora, Professor Ilesanmi Adesida made history this past August by becoming the first black Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the well respected University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in the United States.
Born in Ondo State, Nigeria, Professor Adesida is a Nigerian engineer whose outstanding work in the field of Nanotechnology has received much acclaim in the scientific community. He obtained his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and subsequently went on to develop a body of work in the processing of semiconductors and other materials at the nanometer-scale level. After his studies, he worked in various capacities at what is now known as the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility and the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. He was also the head of the Electrical Engineering Department at Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria.
Commenting on his recently appointed role, Adesida said: 
“I’m honored and humbled to be selected as provost of this great campus. This is something I take very seriously. I know how to work very hard and I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get the job done.”
Adesida is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Vacuum Society, and the Optical Society of America. He is also the past-president of IEEE Electron Devices Society.

culled from