Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Build Self Confidence and Be a Success

Build Self Confidence and Be a Success

So you want to build self confidence?
Your level of self confidence is often a measure of what has happened in your past. It can be boosted by your successes, and eroded if you feel that you have failed at something. Your self confidence can grow when you are praised, and fall when you are mocked.
If you have high self confidence, you will be less affected by criticism, and you will accept yourself for who you are, and not care what other people think. Self confidence is an inner belief in your own value as a person, and often these values are set during your informative years.
Because of that, not everyone is fortunate enough to make the transition from childhood to adulthood with high self esteem, and buckets full of confidence, but there are many ways in which you can build self confidence.
Think of something, that up till now, you've wanted to try but haven't. It may be joining a painting class, starting a college course, or trying paragliding. Don't think about it, just do it. Whatever it is, give it 100% and don't give up at the first obstacle. Participating in things that challenge you will automatically start to build self confidence within you, so why not give it a try now?
Maybe you're worried about failure?
The self confident person treats any failure as a valuable lesson. He analyses the reasons for the failure, takes that knowledge, and uses it to avoid making the same mistakes again. He turns a failure into an asset. So, if you make a mistake, think of it as a positive lesson learnt, and never make the same mistake again. Don't give up. You're self confidence will rapidly start to grow.
What will other people think if you make a mistake?
Try not to concern yourself as to what people think of you. Sometimes people can't handle their own insecurities, and they need to bring others down, in order to feel better about themselves. Tell yourself, it's their problem. Which it most definitely is. Once you stop worrying what people think of you, you will begin to build self confidence quickly.
One tip that really works is to imagine you're an actor playing the role of a self confident and successful person. Act this way when you go to the shops, the cinema, etc. It won't take long to adjust to playing this role, and soon you will behave like this naturally and automatically. You'll find your self confidence growing day by day.
In the words of Thomas Edison, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Are you going to give up, or build self confidence and be a success?

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