(This is rather a Letter to a
Marketing is a tricky business.
There is a fine line between motivational advertising and uninspiring tedium.
The secret to a successful advertisement is its ability to connect with its
Once in a while there is an ad that
is unforgettable. Usually, its telling about something that's JUST THE
(The change in it)
Do you remember, "I can't
believe I ate the whole thing?"Or the famous hot dog song, "Oh, I
wish I were…?"
In John 4:39, NLT
Many Samaritans from the village
believed in Jesus because the woman at the well had said, "He told me
everything I ever did!"
That Samaritan woman Jesus met at
the well was no saint. Several obviously painful life experiences led her to be
an outcast in her hometown. She hauled water all alone in the heat of the day
because no one would have anything to do with her. Or perhaps she simply wanted
to avoid confrontations and humiliation. Because of her reputation, she
possessed no influence or authority with her townspeople. One day, she returned
to the community so excited that she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. SHE NOW
HAS A NEW THING TO TELL. She's filled with an UNUSUAL story, A NEWS!
She was so persuasive that the
entire community went out to meet Jesus. Did she have to exaggerate to get
their attention? This woman perhaps told ten persons, and each of them came to
see Jesus and rushed back to tell 10 persons each. Soon this woman became the
instigator of revolutionary change in her entire community through her CHANGE
story or NEWS.
What if the woman at the well had
kept her joy to herself? What if she had been too embarrassed to confess that
Jesus had told her about her many husbands? If she had decided that her story
was too unseemly, no one would have witnessed the miraculous change in this woman's
life. And no one else would have been changed by Jesus. No longer ashamed, she
became an effective witness.
Our stories of how Jesus loves us
are miracle stories. Every single testimony displays God's amazing interaction
with his children. Our UNUSUAL STORIES, NEWS can bring people out to meet Jesus
where they too can be changed forever.
Let's be witnesses. The reason why
the world goes in a direction, make fashion, acceptable culture out of a thing
is PEOPLE SPEAK OF IT. U can change the direction your neighbour, your friend,
your community, your nation, continents, your generation. It begins with U.
Some dream of having a million
Dollar to spend to show Jesus loves. But now, u don't need to create the change
factor, JUST TELL it. There's so much to say. Gossip Jesus, shout Jesus, chat
Jesus, Fill the air with his deeds.
Convert every available space, time,
relationship, media to NEW THING JESUS IS. TESTIFY today.
Join the CHANGE game.
Don't wait till u become evangelist,
pastor, General overseer, just fill the air with something about Jesus.
Shake the world soon:
Say things like:-
"Something is about to happen
in the skies, JESUS IS COMING SOON!"
"Jesus Christ, more popular than
coke, First for thirst" John 7:37
The BEAUTIFUL ones are now born. The
Bride groom cometh! Jesus Christ.
Desire JESUS to become desired. He
turns watery life
To wine!
Don't abandon this wonderful dream:
See the wonder of the CHANGE GAME if
you will network only 10 Christians in your area to say things like as the
You tell 10persons = 10 hear
10 tell 10pers each =100 hear.
100 tell 10pers each = 1000 hear
1000 tell 10pers each = 10,000 hear
10,000 tell 10pers each =100,000
100,000 tell 10pers each =1 million
1 million tell 10pers each = 10
million hear
10 million tell 10pers each =
100 million hear.
100 million tell 10pers each = 1
Billion hear.
1 Billion Tell 10pers each = 10
Billion hear.
Now the entire world is shaken because
really, there are less than 7 Billion persons on earth to tell.
Church denomination can't stop this.
Whether you are ordained or not can't stop this. Church rule and regulation
can't stop this.
Differences in doctrines can't stop
this. Gender can't stop this. Language can't stop this. Culture can't stop
this. This is the Childlike LOVE, the unblemished UNITY that JESUS ever desired
us to pursue with vigour.
So, I am just inspired this day. Let
each believer network ONLY TEN persons each day.
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